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Good bookkeeping provides you with invaluable insights into your business. This will help you plan and make strategic decisions for the future

We can prepare your tax return, or help you register as being self-employed. While you focus on what you do best, we take care of the paperwork.

Service for Sole Traders: Bookkeeping – all aspects / VAT / Credit Control / Accounts Management / Self-assessment Tax Returns / Payroll / Auto Enrolment
Bookkeeping for Limited Companies

Impeccable bookkeeping is paramount for limited companies.

Deniz Bookkeeping will sort out the paperwork while you are free to concentrate on running your business.

Service for Limited Companies: Bookkeeping / VAT / Statutory Accounts / Management Accounts / CIS / Payroll / Auto Enrolment, and more.

Please also see our Standalone Services. In case you wish to manage your books in-house, we will professionally train your staff in the required skills..

Standalone Service

Our services suit your needs. We are happy to help with one, or all aspects of your bookkeeping requirements, or other paperwork. If you wish, we propose the best application-specific software for your business, and provide the appropriate training for you and/or your employees. We teach a wide spectrum of skills from fully software based bookkeeping, barcode scanner, or stock management systems to how to produce quality spreadsheets.

Not only will we keep your books in order but also do the sorting if required, or cover absences during sick leave and maternity.

Quality and reliable bookkeeping, even in the simplest form, can improve efficiency and reduce your accountancy needs.


Service for Standalone : Pensions including Auto Enrolment / Limited Company Registration and ongoing Company Administration / VAT Registration or Returns / CIS / Payroll.


Bookkeeping can be a challenge, and stressful for any business owner. With Deniz Bookkeeping your books are in the hands of a highly experienced and qualified bookkeeping service. We provide you with accurate financial information so that you can make the best strategic decisions for your business. Using our help and expertise for your bookkeeping, and monitoring your business accounts is well worth the expense. Free yourself of having to keep on top of your paperwork! At Deniz Bookkeeping, we are helpful to all intents and purposes. We‘ll process and file away all your paperwork, from invoices and receipts to tax returns, leaving you free to concentrate on your business. Also: Customer Invoicing / Credit Control / Supplier – processing of invoice and expense receipts / Bank – processing financial reconciliation and chash flow / Bookkeeping / VAT / CIS / Auto Enrolment – set-up, administration and processing / Payroll, and more ... .

Self Assessment Tax Returns.

Be in charge of your finances. Being a director of a limited company, or being self-employed gives you the freedom to invent your own path – but tedious paperwork does not leave much time for the more important aspects of your business, and can be annoying to handle. Let us do this time-consuming, and exhausting work for you. Our job is to make your business life easy! We will keep accurate records of your income and outgoings. We’ll keep you informed about the latest government guidelines, and guide you in all aspects of your self-assessment. We can help you on a one-off, or an ongoing basis. .


t is our job to take care of the most important thing – the Payroll. Your employees are the lifeblood of your business. Whether you’re employing one person, or a whole team; the Payroll is an essential must – one of the more bothersome aspects of being the boss. To ensure your employees are paid on time, and the correct amount, leave it to us to supervise the paperwork. With the help of Deniz Bookkeeping you’ll receive the Payroll calculations, correct for tax and pension contributions. We can help with : Paye / NI / Pension contributions and automatic enrolment.

We can help with : Paye / NI / Pension contributions and automatic enrolment.


Payroll for up to 4 staff: £15 per month
Payroll for up to 5-10 staff: £20 per month
Payroll for up to 10-15 staff: £25 per month
Bookkeeping Service, 1 -4 hours per month: £13 per hour
Bookkeeping Service, 5-10 hours per month: £11 per hour
Bookkeeping Service, 10-20 hours per month: £10.50 per hour
Online Accounting Training: £95 per evening
Stock Program Usage Training: £85 per hour
Till System Usage Training: £75 per hour.

Deniz Bookkeeping

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26 Mattison Road London N4 1BD